Friday, December 12, 2014

Fandom Friday: Presents I want Santa to bring me

So I have to admit something. *At the risk of having glass ornaments and rocks thrown at me...*

I'm not the most 'Christmas-y' person. Call me Scrooge, if you want. The entire months of November and December always kind of bring me down. This year especially,  the holiday season has a huge dark cloud hanging over it for me, since it will be the first Christmas since losing my grandfather.

Not to put a damper on anyone else's spirits, though! I know that this time of year is a special one for lots of people, and I hope it continues to be so, always. I just ask for a little bit of forgiveness and understanding for those of us who can't always join in the enthusiasm. We have our reasons. Trust me. And I'm not completely hopeless: the ONE thing I look forward to every year is the Doctor Who Christmas Special. Yes!

Also, I dug deep into myself to pull out a smidgen of holiday cheer to make this little doodle and write up this post for this week's Fandom Friday! Hope you like it! And as always, thanks to the Nerdy Girlie and Super Space Chick for creating these themes!

Check out my Xmas wishlist, below, and tell me about yours! Everyone loves getting presents, (right?!), but I just feel I should mention that I don't actually expect to receive any of these, (or anything, really), from anyone! I'm just thankful for the love I get from my family and friends the entire year. That's all I ever want.

And that's enough talking ;)


(clockwise from top right):

1) Band Merch

Official merchandise items from my favorite bands (or tv shows/movies/books) are always a nice thing to be able to give or receive. I'm particularly coveting this My Chemical Romance pullover sweater. 

2) New Computer

Ok, so this one's really a long shot. I know for a fact I won't receive one of these things, but I just need one so badly!  I'll probably just wait until my birthday to try to buy myself one. But boy, do I wish Santa really granted wishes!

3) All the Supernatural season dvd's

I already own Seasons 1 and 2, so I need the rest! Hopefully I will receive a couple of these! I'll also accept box sets for Orphan Black or Doctor Who.. or anything, really ;)

4) Art Supplies

Any and all kinds! I rediscovered my artistic side this year, and I want to continue to play and try out as many different mediums as possible.

5) Monster High or Ever After High dollies

I'll gladly accept any that I don't already own. (Or even if I do already own them, I'll still take 'em! Ha!) This new MH River Styxx one is especially high on my list.. just look at that gorgeous pastel color scheme!

And that's about it! Thanks for joining me, and wherever you are and whatever you believe/don't believe, I hope that the rest of 2014 is magical and happy for you :)

Until next time,



  1. You have a nice mix! A new computer is always a nice thing to have!

  2. I'm with you, I only have season 1 and 2 of Supernatural. I want the whole series (so far) as well. Great list!

  3. LOVE your pictures and totally want to dress like that, adorable! xx

  4. I love all the artwork you've been doing for these posts! :-D


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