Howdy folks. The other day I got a tweet from the lovely Katya of that she chose me and ten others as nominees for a Liebster Award, which is a fun award given to bloggers by bloggers! I do have some rules to follow, which are:
1. Link back to the person who nominated you
2. Answer the questions given by the nominator
3. Nominate 11 other bloggers with less than 200 followers
4. Create 11 new questions for the nominees
5. Notify all nominees via social media/blogs
Ok! So let's get to this, shall we? Here are the questions that Katya posted for me and the others:
1. What made you want to start a blog?
I've had different blogs, on and off, throughout the years. Each a bit different, but all with the purpose of having a space of my own to chat about the things I love, the things I learn, and sharing a little bit of my world. And if others happen to read and enjoy it, then awesome!
2. What is your all-time favorite blog to read?
Oooh, that's such a hard question! It's difficult to pick just one, because there are SO many good ones, but I have to say that I've been a fan of Veronica Varlow's Danger Diary for a couple of years, now, and I still manage to get sucked into everything she writes, and can spend hours and hours reading and re-reading.
3. What is your all-time favorite film?
Yikes! I kind of don't like when I get asked this question, because I honestly can't give an answer! There are so many movies that I enjoy, for different reasons. So it kind of just depends! ;)
4. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Of course, Europe has always been the dream. Everywhere in Europe, but especially the U.K. or Rome in Italy, or Prague in the Czech Republic!
5. What t.v. shows are you currently watching?
If you follow me on Twitter, you know I enjoy live-tweeting along to Supernatural on Wednesday nights. I'm quite obsessed.
I'm also excited that Orphan Black is back on, but I still have a tiny bit of catching up to do with that one.
6. What books are you currently reading?
Currently, I'm about to finish a YA novel called "the Name of the Blade" by Zoe Marriott. I shall have a blog post about it soon! I also just started "In the Shadow of Blackbirds" by Cat Winters.
7. Do you have any pets?
Sadly, no. I used to have a cat many years ago, and I would love to have another but it's just not possible right now. I'm content with my dozens of dolls and stuffed animals, though ;)
8. Besides blogging, how do you like to spend your free time?
Doing anything and everything that could be described as 'creative': I love drawing, sewing, embroidering, crosstitching, crocheting.. I even started learning how to knit the other day. I just love MAKING things. And of course, there's reading, listening to music, and watching t.v. and movies.
9. Who is your favorite YouTuber?
I love Annika Victoria (of the Pineneedle Collective)'s "make/thrift/buy" video series. AlbinWonderland is pretty cool, too.
10. What is your favorite food?
I have a soft spot for Italian-style anything.. pasta in delicious tomato sauce, and cheese! Yum.
11. Where is the best place you've ever visited?
New York City!!!
That's me on the far left, with my friends in Times Square, in 2011 |
I hereby nominate the following bloggers:
1.Melissa of Eris-Discord42
2. Megan of Fangirl Twirl
3. Kat and Cam of Our Nerd Home
4. Ginny of Ginny in Boston
5. Lacey of Lacey Surprise
6. Ann of the Nerdy Gimp
7. Kate of Chiksolo's Nerd Cave
8. Usagi of Usagi in Wonderland
9. Dulce of Hello Sunshine
10. Emilee of Emilee Speaks
11. Kendall of Distracted Blogger
And my questions for you guys are: (sorry if some of these are recycled/not very original.. It was hard coming up with eleven!)
1. If you could travel in time, (to either the past or the future), where/when would you go?
2. If you had a million dollars to spend on whatever you wanted, what would it be?
3. Who is your favorite character from a book/movie/comic/tv show/video game and why?
4. Do you speak any other languages?
5. What is your DREAM job?
6. What is a skill you haven't learned yet, but would love to?
7. How did you get into blogging?
8. Last song you listened to?
9. Last movie you watched?
10. Where would you travel to for an extended stay, if you could? (it can be a fictional place!)
11. If you were a super hero, what would your special power and your name be?
Have fun! To my nominees: let me know if you decide to participate!
Loving Veronica's blog. Good choice. And thanks for the nomination!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the nomination!! I'm in the process of catching up on Supernatural. I'm on season 6 so over halfway there!
ReplyDeleteLove your answers!