Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The Dragon's Loyalty Award + 7 Random Facts about Me

The super awesome Kate of Chiksolo's Nerd Cave nominated me for the Dragon's Loyalty Award. How cool is that?! Makes me feel like a Targaryen ;)
Thanks again, Kate!

Similar to the Liebster award (that I was nominated for in April ), there are some rules:

The Rules:

  1. Visit and thank the blogger who nominated you.
  2. Acknowledge that blogger on your blog with a link.
  3. Share 7 things about yourself that other bloggers might not know.
  4. Nominate up to 15 other bloggers for a Dragon's Loyalty Award, linking to their blogs and notifying them.
  5. Copy and paste the award somewhere on your blog.

So without further ado, here are my facts!
Mind you, it was kind of difficult for me to even come up with seven things, so some of these might not be "new" to you guys, but oh well!

1. Spanish was my first language. I didn't learn to speak English until I was five. Watching 90's t.v. shows (like Full House) helped a lot! (If only Twitter/live tweeting had been around back then!)

2. I used to have a kitty cat named Tommy. He had the cutest pink nose ;)

3. I went to school for fashion and costume design. Aside from producing my own 5-look 'collection' upon graduating, one of the coolest things that came from fashion school was getting to help out backstage at a fashion shows. I even got to meet Christian Siriano (winner of season 4 of Project Runway)!

4. I played violin for several years in middle school and high school orchestra. I wasn't very good :/

5. I didn't ride a plane until I was 23. I was terrified, but I got to visit NYC, so it wasn't all bad ;)

6. To date: I own 24 Monster High dolls, and 2 Ever After High dolls.

7. I've been a Hello Kitty fangirl since grade 3!!

I nominate Melissa of ErisDiscord42 and Ann of the Nerdy Gimp !!

(and anyone else who wants a pretty dragon award to post on their blog!)

Thanks for reading!


  1. Thanks for nominating me! Finally posted mine. BTW I have never been in a plane. I'm sure I will freak out when I do lol

    1. I wish they'd perfect the science of teleportation, already! ;)


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