Monday, November 2, 2015

31 Days of Halloween Drawing!

If you follow me on Instagram, you may have noticed I posted a Halloween-themed drawing every day in October! (Well, almost every day).

It was all part of the "Drawlloween" challenge, where there was a different theme for every day in October that you had to draw out.. It was my first time attempting something like this before, but I'm fairly pleased with all of the results. I loved it because it forced me to try new things, and I was able to get a better idea of what works for me, and what doesn't, as well as what I need to improve on, and so on. So forgive me for bragging, but I'm just proud of myself for making it through!  Honestly, I was expecting to give up in the first week - but I stuck with it. And I'm glad I did.

One of my most popular submissions ended up being the one in the picture above, my little jack-o-lantern girl.

Oh yes, and I was originally going to try the "Inktober" challenge, (before I discovered Drawlloween), but since there were no ongoing themes/suggestions for Inktober, I kind of fizzled out on it. But here's one I did that I like a lot:

Obviously, none of the things I posted are perfect, or even 100% "done" - (because doing a creative piece in one day/sitting, is a bit hard!), so this was also a challenge in being brave enough to actually show off my work! I was super nervous and inwardly cringing at the thought of having these be seen by the world, (and by more accomplished artists), but I did it.. and I survived the experience.

All big steps, here.

So, what now? I'd like to re-visit some of my favorites and improve them. Maybe remove some things, or try new media with them.. who knows. But I have a lot to keep me busy :)

Can't wait until NEXT October!!!


  1. I love the jack o' lantern girl - I want her tights!

  2. I think both of these look great, especially the pumpkin girl! And yay for feeling brave enough to share your art with the world, that's really quite the accomplishments :)


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