Friday, November 21, 2014

Fandom Friday: Five Characters I would Invite to my Thanksgiving Feast

Where does the time go?! November is almost over! It hasn't been my month for blogging, but I was so looking forward to this date's Fandom Friday theme.  I even doodled something just for today! (just a quick silly little drawing! There was no time to perfect/color/scan it, but I'm happy with it, either way!)

Also: I'm thrilled that the Nerdy Girlie and Super Space Chick extended these Fandom Friday ideas into 2015. They have been so much fun to write up, and I'm thankful to have met so many awesome fellow geeks and bloggers because of them! (see what I did there?) ;)

a Whimsy and Noir Thanksgiving

From left to right:

5. Sam and Dean Winchester (Supernatural)

I recently (and finally) jumped on the Supernatural bandwagon a few months ago and can genuinely say I'm obsessed.  I think it would be awesomely hilarious having them over for Thanksgiving dinner, especially along with all the other characters!  Notice that I strategically placed not one, but TWO different pies in front of Dean? Yeah. The man loves pie.

4. "No Face" (Spirited Away)

No Face likes to eat, so it makes sense that I would invite him. As long as he doesn't lose control and start devouring my guests, I'm cool with him. (Also: It's not 100% visible, but I did draw the Winchester bros' old EMF detector in Sam's hand, and it's obviously going off the hook, thanks to No Face. What's a good Thanksgiving dinner without a little ghostly drama, eh? Just play nice, boys!)

3. Edward Scissorhands 

Again, it makes sense to me to invite him. I gotta have somebody to carve up the turkey, don't I? Maybe he can also give us all hair cuts after dinner! (Can you imagine what he'd do to Sam's long locks?)

2. Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter)

I needed a fellow female, so I chose Luna. She's calm and sweet, and I think she would get along famously with the other guests. She's also a fan of pudding, so hopefully she brings some magical kind to share.

1. Data (Star Trek TNG)

He's my favorite character in Star Trek: the Next Generation! I've always loved how badly he tries to act like a human, so having him over for Thanksgiving would be a great learning experience for him. He can also entertain us with his violin playing while we all eat!

And at the end of the table, there's me of course. Sitting back and enjoying the scene of my dream Thanksgiving feast... I just hope Dean Winchester saves me some pie!

How about you? Who do you want sitting at your table this Thanksgiving?  Tell me!

If you missed any of my previous "Fandom Friday" posts, check them out here:

October 3rd:  Five Fandoms that have made me Who I am Today

 October 17th: Five Characters I'd love to dress as for Halloween 

October 24th:  My Must See List of Halloween Movies

November 7th: Five Songs that Always Make Me Feel Better

Until next time,



  1. I love your reason for inviting Edward Scissorhands... and now I'm imagining the scene where he carves the ice and creates snow, but instead it's turkey... a glorious snowfall of turkey... Mmmm.

    Love the drawing! You're so talented!

    1. The "snowfall of turkey" mention is making me laugh so hard right now!!! That'd be great! Thank you! ;) <3

  2. I love that you did a drawing to go with it! How adorable!

  3. Great list! I love your drawing.

  4. The drawing is spectacular! And Edward Scissorhands at your dinner is a no-brainer! I can't believe I didn't think of that! :)

    1. Thanks, lady!! I love Edward!! He can come in handy!

  5. I wish I could draw! This was such a cool post! I just got to season 6 of Supernatural. I think right now my favorite characters are Gabriel and Crowly. Such a great mix of people! Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Thanks! I tried >.< I've been watching a little of all seasons of Supernatural, haha. I'm all over the place! ;)

  6. I love the drawing you did. I'd love to sit back at this table and watch the characters interact. It would definitly make for a fun evening.

    1. Thank you! And, I agree! I think they would all be slightly confused about each other, but curious to know one another, too!

  7. LOVE the drawing! Perfect. Luna would make a oddly fun guest, just hope that any pudding she brings doesn't include Puking Pastilles lol

    1. Thanks so much! Ohmigosh, knowing her, it'd probably include some kind of spell to keep away the nargles! I'd much prefer that over puking pastilles! ;)

  8. Wow, cool post. I’d like to write like this too – taking time and real hard work to make a great article… but I put things off too much and never seem to get started. Thanks though. Food Dehydration


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