Friday, December 11, 2015

Funko Friday: The Funko(s) I Want the Most!

Thanks again, Melissa Storm, for telling me this news. One of my favorite people in the entire world and of all time and space is getting his own Funkos.

And I need them.

Like.. now.

Two different looks (that I know of so far), from two very different eras, but I love how accurate they are. A Christmas delivery from Santa would be impossible, however, considering he's already sold out (during pre-orders, no less), but maybe if I'm EXTRA good these last few weeks of 2015??

You can read more about Gerard Way (and why I adore him and his former band My Chemical Romance so much) in these posts:

Fandom Friday: Five Fandoms that Have Made Me Who I Am

May Death Never Stop You

Fandom Friday: Five Albums that Have Changed My Life

Gerard Way's Hesitant Alien Merch Unboxing

Funko Fridays hosted by and


  1. Gerard Way is getting his own Funkos??? Oh my word how did I not know this???

    1. I didn't know, either! I guess he just randomly announced it on twitter one day, but we missed it ;)

  2. I KNEW you would be excited for this! So happy to be the first one to tell you : )

  3. So cool! I totally didn't go to High School with the giant black eye makeup band just like Gerard's, nope, no way, never.

    I might just need these in my life.

    1. Hehehe! I once did the red eyeshadow look he sported in a few photo shoots. My mommy hated it but everyone at school loved it :P


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